Picnic Tips

Picnic Tips

Outdoor Dining Done Right!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and you know what that means – it's picnic season! But there's a familiar foe lurking in the shadows: the dreaded soggy sandwich. Fear not! Hungry Squirrel is here with top tips to help you conquer your outdoor feasting fears.

Location, Location, Location

Before you start packing your picnic basket, consider your location. Whether you're heading to the beach, the park, or your own backyard, the setting can greatly impact your food choices. Avoid anything that may wilt, drip, or become unappetizing in warm weather. Think sturdy and satisfying, not limp and lifeless.

The Coolest Cooler

Your cooler isn't just a storage box; it's your best weapon against food spoilage. Pack it to the brim with ice packs to maintain a cool 40° F or below. This will keep your food fresh, safe, and ready to eat when hunger strikes.

lifestyle image of beach cooler

Keep It Closed

Peekaboo might be a fun game, but it's a no-no when it comes to coolers and insulated containers. Keep them closed as much as possible to maintain those perfect temps!

Plan Your Picnic Menu

Creating your picnic menu is like painting a picture. Start with a colorful palette of salads, then add low-mess, portable entrees like sandwiches, cold pastas, or a simple snack meal. Variety is the spice of life, so go wild!

Say No To Soggy

Hungry Squirrel sauces and dressings can transform a meal from ho-hum to yum-yum. But nobody wants a soggy disaster. The solution? Keep them separate until it's time to eat. This way, your food stays crisp and delicious, not damp and disappointing.

lifestyle image of friends

Watch the Clock

Time flies when you're having fun, but don't forget about your food. As per FDA recommendations, consume, re-cool, or discard your food within two hours (or one hour if it's hotter than 90° F outdoors)

Picnics should be a time of fun, relaxation, and delicious food. With these tips from Hungry Squirrel, you're sure to have a picnic experience that's anything but squirrelly. Happy munching, folks!

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